Nightside featured in TechCrunch

Nightside featured in TechCrunch

We are very happy that the Nightside lamp has caught the attention of TechCrunch, one of the leading voices in technology news and analysis. Haje Jan Kamps, a distinguished writer known for his insightful analysis and coverage of cutting-edge technology, has featured Nightside in an enlightening article that you can read here.

The article delves into the core of what makes Nightside stand out in a crowded market, including our latest lamp design that has been making waves for its innovative features and award-winning design. It's a testament to the hard work and creativity of our team, and recognition on such a prestigious platform is incredibly rewarding.

Thank you to Haje Jan Kamps and TechCrunch for the feature, and to our community for your unwavering support. Here's to many more milestones ahead!

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